Eu gosto de algumas obras de Tatiana Blass, e gosto principalmente do modo como ela está conseguindo evoluir e manter uma carreira sólida nesse campo dificílimo da arte. Mas - sem ter visto a obra, claro - não gosto da instalação-escultura que vai ser exposta no CCBB - Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil - do Rio de Janeiro. São esculturas de cera que ocupam o lugar dos atores de uma peça de Samuel Beckett e que, durante as seis semanas de exposição, derreterão sob a luz dos refletores. Isso me parece um tipo de idéia de arte que já foi bastante explorado, o objeto que se desfaz, as frutas em gaiolas que vão apodrecendo. Isso me parece, ainda, como muita obra de arte - em museus do mundo todo - que se assemelham a um bocado de restos que os pedreiros de alguma reforma deixaram por ali. Quando passo por obras assim, me dá vontade de mandar algum faxineiro limpar. E apesar da boa idéia, o que restará dessa obra de Tatiana? Restos de cera, lixo.
Para acessar o site de Tatiana Blass clique aqui.
Para acessar o site do Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (RJ) clique aqui.
(I like some artworks of Tatiana Blass, and especially I like how she is managing to evolve and maintain a solid career. But - without having seen this artwork, of course – I do not like the installation-sculpture that it will be exposed in CCBB - Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil - Rio de Janeiro. It are wax sculptures that take place of actors in a play by Samuel Beckett, and that during the six weeks of exposure, it will are to melt under the spotlight. It seems to me a kind of art idea that has been widely explored, the object that falls apart, the fruit will rot in the cages. This seems to me, yet, like many artworks - in museums around the world - that resemble debris that some reform left there. I feel desire to send a janitor clean that. And despite the good idea, what will remain of this work of Tatiana? Remains of wax, garbage.)
(I like some artworks of Tatiana Blass, and especially I like how she is managing to evolve and maintain a solid career. But - without having seen this artwork, of course – I do not like the installation-sculpture that it will be exposed in CCBB - Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil - Rio de Janeiro. It are wax sculptures that take place of actors in a play by Samuel Beckett, and that during the six weeks of exposure, it will are to melt under the spotlight. It seems to me a kind of art idea that has been widely explored, the object that falls apart, the fruit will rot in the cages. This seems to me, yet, like many artworks - in museums around the world - that resemble debris that some reform left there. I feel desire to send a janitor clean that. And despite the good idea, what will remain of this work of Tatiana? Remains of wax, garbage.)